Research Projects


Refereed Journals and Proceedings


  • J. Abel, “Electrical conductivity degradation of metal-ceramic composites”, 23.10.2019, International Conference “CURRENT ISSUES OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, ECOLOGY AND PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION”, Tambov, Russia, 2019.
  • J. Abel, “A fast and efficient post BWT stage for the Burrows-Wheeler Compression Algorithm”, 30.03.2005, IEEE Data Compression Conference 2005, Utah, U.S.A..
  • J. Abel, “MVE – Medical Volume Explorer”, 22.05.2004, 85th German Congress of Radiology, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Visualization of 3D Data – Surface and Volume based Methods”, 27.04.2004, University of South Dakota, U.S.A..
  • J. Abel, “Record-Preprocessing for Data Compression”, 24.03.2004, IEEE Data Compression Conference 2004, Utah, U.S.A..
  • J. Abel, “Lossless Data Compression of Medical Images”, 20.01.2004, IEEE EMB presentation, University Hospital of the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Germany.
  • J. Abel, “FMV – A Medical Image Processing System”, 25.11.2003, KFA Jülich, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Research in Lossless Data compression”, 26.08.2003, University of Wales, United Kingdom.
  • J. Abel, “Data compression based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transformation”, 27.02.2003, University of Wales, United Kingdom.
  • J. Abel, “Deadlock at parallel processes”, 04.02.2003, University of Applied Science Duesseldorf, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “University Information Systems”, 27.01.2003, Center for Computing, Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Optimized data compression based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform”, 28.11.2002, University of Duisburg, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Optimized data compression based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform”, 03.07.2002, Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Modeling, simulation and calculation of admittances of two-pols with metal/solid electrolytes”, 28.06.2000, University of Duisburg, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Calculation of admittances in the face centered cubic lattice for the anode of the SOFC”, 10.12.1996, Nuclear Research Center KFA Jülich, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Calculation and simulation of admittances of metal/solid electrolytes”, 17.07.1996, Nuclear Research Center KFA Jülich, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Development of syntax controlled graphical Petrinet editor”, 25.01.1996, Nuclear Research Center KFA Juelich, Germany.
  • J. Abel, “Recursive generation of primes for the RSA algorithm”, 06.12.1989, Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Germany.

Referee Activities

  • Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, Netherlands.
  • Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsev. Netherlands.

Research Interests

Technical Analysis of Financial Data
In the field of technical analysis I have developed many indicators and trading systems using a market model based on the harmonic superposition principle of waves similar to the linear system models of electrical engineering. For a deeper understanding I have developed different algorithms for the spectral analysis of financial data. One analyzer is based on the MESA algorithm of Dr. John Parker Burg, another analyzer is based on the Goertzel algorithm of the discrete Fourier transformation of Dr. Gerald Goertzel and a third analyzer uses autocorrelation (folding of price data phase-shifted with itself).
Feature Engineering for Robotics
Developing feature engineering algorithms for Artificial Intelligence (AI) of robots is another research topic. For the RoboCup I have developed image processing and computer vision algorithms for the Standard Platform League together with the HTWK University Leipzig. Currently I have started a new robot vision project based on a Raspberry Pi computer with a HD camera module. The Raspberry offers a full featured linux platform, which supports many programming languages, and has more computing power than a NAO robot of the RoboCup at the fraction of the price, which is ideal for pupils, students and universities. The topics of the current algorithms include:
  • play ground recognition using color calibrations,
  • field recognition using edge detection,
  • goal post recognition,
  • ball recognition and
  • self localization.
Image Processing
In order to produce real time 3D graphics on 6502 and Z80 computers, I developed a 3D graphics library, written in assembler. The system could rotate, scale and translate objects as wire-frames in real time. Later, the system was translated to 68000 systems together with an interface to high level languages. The next level was based on OpenGL and the graphic processing unit (GPU) to produce a wider range of 3D applications. One of my main research projects is the development of the OpenGL medical visualization system MVE in cooperation with the Radiologist Professor Dr. Köster from the Institute for Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine and the Chief Surgeon Professor Dr. Goretzki from the Municipal Clinic Neuss, Germany. The system is based on Direct Volume Rendering for preoperative surgical planning of lung cancer. In contrast to other medical visualization systems, like virtual colonoscopy for example, the 3D visualization of lung cancer needs to display not only the surface of the tumor but also the surrounding areas since the radiologist and surgeon get important information from the kind of tissue allocated around the tumor. In order to achieve real time frame rates along with good visualization quality, I have opted for a direct volume rendering approach, which uses 3D textures and runs directly on the GPU of the Graphics card by using NVIDIAs Cg language (C for Graphics). As a result, not only the radiologist can visualize the tumor and surrounding tissue by expensive graphics workstations from the CT unit but also the surgeon by a normal PC in conjunction with a modern graphics card based on NVIDIAs GPUs. The MVE system together with free samples of CT scans, pictures and 3D movies are free available at my internet pages and
Data Compression
In lossless data compression I am involved for many years. For the industry I have developed compression algorithms for real time compression of hard disk data on PCs based on a speed optimised LZ77 derivative. Several versions of my hard disk compression system DOUBLE DENSITY have been presented at the German CeBIT fairs. The systems were sold worldwide in many countries (Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Spain, French, Italy, Mexico e.g.) with more than 100,000 items and had a market share of online compressors of over 30%. My recent focus in the compression field is concentrated at the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) along with several preprocessing algorithms, see